The Best Of Closet Audit Tips

Taking on a project of any kind can be overwhelming, particularly if you’re looking to tackle your wardrobe and conduct your own closet audit. If you’re not opting to seek out professional help, we’ve highlighted some very important tips below to keep you on track!


It can be overwhelming when starting ANY project so it’s recommended to have an attainable goal in mind before starting.  Whether you are opting to undertake a closet audit yourself or are working with a hired professional, we suggest taking a moment of reflection to truly think about an attainable goal you can achieve for this particular task. Be truthful with yourself and set a clear goal for why you want to complete the audit. Some examples of closet audit goals may include 1) discarding or donating items that simply are no longer worn, or haven’t been for some time; 2) discarding worn or tattered items that aren’t worth saving to get repaired; 3) donating 20% of wardrobe to Goodwill or other consignment avenue to fit all your clothes in one space. These are just a few examples to get you thinking. Whatever your goal may be, be sure to remind yourself of it throughout the closet audit process in order to stay on track with reaching your goal.


Quality hangers are an absolute must when completing a closet audit which is why our Closet Audit Package includes a box of no slip velvet hangers for the clothing items you will be keeping. These hangers not only ensure that your clothing items will remain intact on the hanger but their thin design allows for more space on your closet rods. The bulky plastic hangers that we’ve encountered in almost all of our clients’ closets do not allow for ample space between items to prevent wrinkling and just overall do not function well when space is limited. As mentioned in our first point with goal setting, simply swapping out your bulky plastic hangers for thinner no slip hangers is a great goal and often, a very good place to start your closet audit journey.


Typically our rule of thumb for donation is “if it hasn’t been worn in at least a year, donate!” Sometimes this is very easy for our clients to do and other times, it isn’t. If you’re looking for a bit more direction on items you haven’t worn in sometime but would LIKE to wear, we have a bit of advice. With items you’d like to challenge yourself to wear to see if, in fact, they are worth keeping, simply turn the hanger backwards on the rod and only turn them the correct way after you have worn the item.  This allows you to still easily see the items you’d like to wear and audit them after a period of time to see what has been left unworn. The period of time for trialing this is really up to the individual, but again, we advise completing within an attainable timeframe. For example, if you have a lot of summer clothes in your closet that you’d like to challenge yourself to wear, turn the hangers at the beginning of the season and allow yourself until the end of September to wear them. After September, see which hangers are still turned around and evaluate each items’ donation status at this time. 

As always, it’s best to hire a professional when undertaking a closet audit and we’re your AFFORDABLE COST CONSCIOUS EXPERT STYLING SERVICE. Contact us today to book your very own
Closet Audit Package or take a look at the many other Fashion Styling Services we offer!

ACCESS | Style

ACCESS | Style offers a comprehensive range of Fashion and Interior Styling services including event styling, closet audits, and personalized LookBooks. Serving the Washington, DC Metro Area, we provide Affordable Cost-Conscious Expert Styling solutions tailored to your unique personal style and budget. Let us help you elevate your wardrobe and living spaces with high-quality, personalized service.

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