Selecting a handbag for international or even domestic travel can be hard. One often struggles with finding an option that is small enough to not be burdensome, but large enough to fit all personals (ID’s, wallet, toiletries, a book, compression socks, eye mask, scarf for extra warmth). There are many methods of packing for a trip that requires you to travel via airplane - many people choose to pack all of their belongings (sans some of their personals required during flight) in a checked bag. Then, you have those who opt for a smaller bag to be stowed under their seat during flight but also carry-on a suitcase that contains the bulk of their personal belongings that will be fished out when needed.
No matter what kind of traveler you are, it’s important to be practical and safe with your handbag selection. We’ve rounded up our favorite handbag selections below for you to consider when traveling. Each option is sure to keep your belongings safe and secure, and is guaranteed to keep you stylish too.
A great and durable weekender option that is A slightly more elevated and leather option If a traditional weekender bag isn’t your
large enough for your belongings but small to your traditional weekender bag. This bag style, perhaps this medium-sized leather
enough to fit under the seat in front of you comes with many compartments to easily handbag is. This bag is the perfect size
or in the overhead compartment. If you like to organize all your personals and comes with to hold anything you may need during
carry on and extra set of clothes just in case six metal feet on the bottom for added flight AND is small enough to fit under
your checked luggage gets lost, this is a great protection. Available in many colors with the seat. If you like to repurpose your travel
option! There’s even an added bottom personalization too. bag for your everyday bag during your travel
compartment for shoes!
days, a handbag option like this is a great fit.
Beis, The Weekender, $98 Leatherology, Harwood Weekender, $375 Givenchy, Medium Antigona Bag, $2,650
This bag is incredibly versatile and can be worn This tote is customizable to your needs. If you’re traveling to a beach destination,
4 ways - backpack, cross-body, satchel or tote. Opt to add snap closures, pouches and you might want to consider this tote from
For moms and dads traveling with little ones, even a longer strap. If you’re traveling for Marni. It’s large enough to fit everything
this bag is a great option to pack some extra work, this bag is a good option to use as you may need during flight and can double
supplies for the kiddos and wear as a backpack your everyday bag when going to and as a beach or pool bag.
in the airport and during boarding. from meetings. Available in multiple colors. Marni, Small Tropicalia Logo Embroidered
Senreve, Mini Maestra, $695 Cuyana, System Tote, $278 Tote Bag, $345
This vegan leather, water resistant fanny has If you’re interested in a chic designer Another fantastic option from Senreve with
multiple interior pockets and an additional option that isn’t too trendy, this Prada this versatile belt bag that can be worn
exterior pocket. It’s large enough to fit all your bag is a great choice and one that will many ways - Belt Bag, Sling, Shoulder,
essentials, including your wallet and passport stay in style for years to come. Crossbody, Clutch. A great option for those
and can be worn as a fanny pack or a cross-body. that prefer to travel with one bag.
Available in both vegan leather and nylon. Prada, Re-Nylon and Saffiano leather belt
Monos, Metro Sling, $80 bag, $1,590 Senreve, Aria Belt Bag, $445
This traditional saddlebag has a magnetic slide The cinch closure on this bag is so chic ½ Half backpack, half saddlebag, this
pocket and zippered main compartment to keep and is sure to keep your personals intact medium-sized coated canvas bag
all your belongings secure. Crafted from fine throughout your journey. This bag is is so unique and spacious. If you’re
leather, it comes with two straps - one matching truly timeless and worth the investment looking to bring one bag option that
and one webbed. or everyday use, not just travel. Available doubles for travel and touring, this is
in multiple colors. it! It’s even large enough to fit a
large sized water bottle.
Madewell, The Transport Saddlebag, $158 Mansur Gavriel, Mini Bucket Bag, $495 Givenchy, G-Zip Triangle bag, $1,200